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Sunday, March 24, 2013

How to save money with coupons

Coupons - and free stuff 

Coupons and free stuff goes kinda hand in hand.
Therefore I have put them in the same post.
Here in Denmark we don't use coupons that much, but that doesn't stop me from helping you guys out.
But we do have the opportunity sometimes to snap up free stuff.

If you are walking around thinking, - "Nothing in life is free" Then, oh boy i'm gonna change your way of thinking.

I have received both catfood and dogfood, reflexes, a couple of books, (small books) and color cards. probably some more stuff, but I don't quite remember. And they were.. Guess what? - All FREE!
And there are a lot of things, I like here in this world.
But opening your mail and see there are "gifts" in there is just plain awesome!

First things first.
Don't just go find some coupons and buy that offer.
No, first you have your list of things you need. Else you are gonna end up buying stuff because they are cheap and not because you actually need it. For instance: 
  • You need milk. 
  • You go to a coupon site, newspaper, magazines, on the back of the receits, direct from the manufactures website,
  • And then you go through their site to see, if they have coupons for milk.
  • When you have found one, then you print it out.
  • And then you go your whole list of groceries trough and buy your stuff. And can now leave the store with a smile on your face. :-)
You can also find all of the coupons, you can find (and print them) and organize them. 
There are different ways to organize them. You need the way that suits you best. 
  • You could do it by grocery item. Frozen, Deli, dairy..
  • By expiration date, when will the coupons be too old?
  • Use a container to your coupons, - you know, so they don't get lost from you. It could be a shoebox, a coupon wallet. Or even an empty pizza box.. Use your imagination.
  • File the coupons as soon as you get them. It will save you a lot of time, so you don't have to sit with every single one of them and have to sort them.
  • Use them regularly. If the coupons are expired, - They won't help you at all.

The FREE STUFF is not the same.
If you have found some free stuff that you like, then go ahead and order it, but please do read the terms and condition - What? Like who reads the terms and conditions?
But at least just try to skim it. There are people out there trying to scam you.
If something sounds suspicious, - ask on google, maybe other people have had the same doubt that you do.

Question of the day. What is your favorite kind of discount?
Free stuff, coupons or something else that I maybe haven't heard about.
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